Ace Foxworth Lizy the Lizard A Pickle Shadow
Lizy the Lizard
Ace Foxworth

The Pickles
The Shadow Warrior


Once upon a time, as the legend goes, there was an island. And on this island there lived many pickles, a kingdom of them in fact. They enjoyed a reign of peace under the direction of their leader, King Pickleton.

But the story also tells of one pickle much more intelligent than the rest. He was known simply as Mecha. Tired of the other's absurd ways, he became corrupt and crafted a scheme of villainy and world domination.


Knowing that the Pickles were not very bright, he set up a series of puzzles to keep them from disturbing his plans. But the pickles refused to be defeated! Alas, despite their persistence, the pickles were unable to overcome Mecha on their own.

So, at last, in their despair, they sent a plea for help. And that is where the story comes to life...


"The Pickles" is a game combining puzzles and a little action. The Pickles of Pickle Island are determined to set a stop to Mecha, an ingenious villian who has turned against them. That's where you come in. King Pickleton has sent to you for help. By using the Pickles' skills, you must overcome Mecha's puzzles.

The basic concept is simple. The Pickles can all push the blocks that make up the level a certain number of spaces. But sometimes it takes a bit more. The Pickles can also pick up tools and change professions. Each of the three special professions handles blocks and obstacles differently.

There's also Mecha's minions to deal with! The Pickles must dodge them, and they always seem to be in the way!

Are you up to the challenge? Can this rag-tag team overcome this villain? Probably not, but it's worth a try!



The Pickles Game Manual
The same user's manual you get when you download the game, here for your convenience.

The Pickles Official Strategy Guide
Level-by-level walkthroughs, in-depth information, and an inside look at the making of the game, all in one easy-to-find location.




  • A 233 MHz processor or faster.
  • Windows 95 or higher.
  • At least 10 Mb free hard drive space.
  • At least 16 Mb or more memory installed. At least 32 Mb recommended.
  • DirectX version 6.0 or higher. Version 7.0 or higher recommended.
  • An SVGA compatible video card with at least 1Mb of onboard memory.
  • To hear the sound and music, you will need a decent sound card.

    Click Here to Download!
    Size: 1.08 MB
    Version: 1.2

    Click Here for the Latest Patch!
    The patch will update a previously installed version of the game to the newest version.
    Size: 33 KB
    Updates to Version: 1.2

©2001-2005 Dale M.A. Johnson
All rights reserved.
A Dale Johnson Animation and Graphic Design Site