Hello! Thank you for downloading this game. A lot of time and work has gone into this project. I sincerely hope that you enjoy this software and look forward to other Michael Johnson Productions titles.




Once upon a time, as the legend goes, there was an island. And on this island there lived many pickles, a kingdom of them in fact. They enjoyed a reign of peace under the direction of their leader, King Pickleton.

But the story also tells of one pickle much more intelligent than the rest. He was known simply as Mecha. Tired of the other's absurd ways, he became corrupt and crafted a scheme of villainy and world domination.

Knowing that the Pickles were not very bright, he set up a series of puzzles to keep them from disturbing his plans. But the pickles refused to be defeated! Alas, despite their persistence, the pickles were unable to overcome Mecha on their own.

So, at last, in their despair, they sent a plea for help. And that is where the story comes to life...


  • A Pentium class 233 processor or faster.
  • Windows 95 or higher.
  • At least 16 Mb or memory installed. At least 32 Mb recommended.
  • DirectX version 6.0 or higher. Version 7.0 or higher recommended.
  • An SVGA compatible video card with at least 1Mb of onboard memory.
  • To hear the sound and music, you will need a decent sound card.


    If you're reading this, it's most likely that you've already installed the game. If not, run self-extracting .exe file, and follow the on screen instructions. Once the game is installed, it should be accessible from your Start menu. To run the game, simply click on The Pickles icon in the Windows Start menu.

    Once the program has been started, the copyright screen will pop up. Besides the copyright, the screen will also display the game's version number. If you want to get help with the game, you will need to know what version of the game you have. Patches to update the game to a newer version can be found at the MJPro website. Press space on the copyright screen to move on to the MJPro splash screen. Press space again, and the opening story sequence will start to play. You can watch the story, or you can press space again to skip it.

    Now you will have come to the title screen. The title screen gives you four main option: START, CONTINUE, OPTIONS, and QUIT. Use the arrow keys to move the cursor up and down, and use the space bar to select the option that is highlighted.

  • START. Begins a new game from the first level.
  • CONTINUE. Brings up the password screen. Use the arrow keys to move the cursor back and forth, and to increase and adjust the password. Press enter to confirm your password, or press ESC to cancel and go back to the main menu. You get a new password every five levels. REMEMBER TO WRITE YOUR PASSWORD DOWN!
  • OPTIONS. This will bring up the options screen, and will let you adjust the volume settings. It works just like the main menu. Use the left and right arrow keys to adjust an option.
  • QUIT. Being true to it's name, this exits the program and drops you back in Windows.


    The game screen is where all the action takes place! Use the arrow keys to move the pickles around in order to get them from the red portals to the blue ones.

  • 1. The current level number is displayed here.
  • 2. This area displays how many lives you have left. If you run out of lives, you will get a game over and have to start over again from the last point that you were given a password!
  • 3. Your star count is listed here. For every fourty starts that you collect, you are awarded an extra life. Make sure you grab as many as you can!
  • 4. You control the pickles. Because there is usually more than one pickle in a level, the pickle currently under your command will have a box-shaped cursor around him. To switch between pickles, press CTRL on the keyboard.
  • 5. The pickles begin the level at a red portal, like this one.
  • 6. The object is to get every pickle in the level to a blue portal, such as this one. Then you can move on to the next level.


    At any time during game play, you can press ESC on the keyboard to bring up the game menu. Here you can view a simple message of encouragement from King Pickleton, along with your password. Four options will also be presented: CONTINUE, RESTART, OPTIONS, and QUIT.

    Use the arrow keys to move the cursor, and space to select.

  • CONTINUE. If you select this, you can continue on with the game.
  • RESTART. This option will only be present if you have enough lives. If you've messed up to where you can no longer complete the level, selecting this will begin the level again from the beginning. Watch out, though, it'll cost you a life!
  • OPTIONS This is the same as on the main menu. It allows you to adjust the volume levels.
  • QUIT Allows you to give up and return to the main menu.


    The Pickles is a simple game to play! You should have the controls down in no time! Here's a list of all the controls used in the game:

  • ARROW KEYS. Use the arrow keys to move the pickles in any of four directions: up, down, left, and right. These also control the cursor on menus.
  • SPACE. Pushing this allows the pickles to push, pull, and break blocks depending on which tool they are using. Also allows you to select options on the menus.
  • CTRL. Pushing this key will toggle between the available pickles.
  • ALT. Pushing this key will cause the pickle currently under your control to drop whatever tool he is holding into the space directly in front of him. You can only drop tools in empty spaces. You cannot drop tools on flowers, cracks, blocks, ice, etc. or spaces occupied by other pickles or even enemies.
  • ESC. This will bring up the game menu when you're playing the game, or cancel a command while in a menu.


    Though the pickles are not the brightest little things on the face of the Earth, they are incredibly flexible. By pickling up and using different tools, they can take on different jobs. In this game, there are four types of pickles you can use.

    NORMAL. When the pickles aren't carrying any tool, they are just plain pickles. This perhaps is their most useful form, though, and the one you'll be using the most. By facing a numbered block and pressing space, they can push it, so long as other blocks, pickles, and the like aren't in the way.

    SCIENTIST. By picking up a magnet, normal pickles become scientist pickles! They are smarter than normal (though not by much). By standing directly in front of a block and pressing space, they will pull the block instead of pushing it.

    MINER. If a pickle grabs a pick-axe, they'll become a miner pickle. If you notice any cracked blocks around, move your miner pickle up to them and press space. They'll break it open for you!

    PILOT. Finally, if you give a pickle a jet pack, he'll become a pilot pickle! Pilot pickles can fly over numbered blocks to avoid enemies and reach areas otherwise inaccessible. Remember that pilot pickles can drop their jet packs even if they're standing on a block!


    There are many obstacles and puzzles in the pickles' quest that will make it harder for them to defeat Mecha. You must constantly keep an eye out for anything that might be there to get in your way or to try and stop you from reaching your goal!

    FLOWERS. These aren't at all dangerous to your heath or anything, but flowers, patches of ice, and things like that have a tendency to get in your way. Although the pickles can pass over them just fine, you can't push or pull blocks over them, and you can't drop tools on them. On the other hand, enemies can't pass over them either!

    CRACKS. Be wary of these. You can only pass over them once!

    ENEMIES. Mecha's minions, known as the Blobs, are one of the greatest bothers in the pickle's journey. Whenever they run into something, they randomly change direction. Fortunately, they aren't even as smart as the pickles, so you don't have to worry about them purposely chasing you down, even though it seems like they are...


    The pickles have a long way to go to win in their fight against Mecha! In total, they'll visit five worlds, and over fourty levels in order to defeat their arch-enemy.

    PICKLE ISLAND. This is where it all begins! The puzzles are easy here and give you time to get a feel for the basic controls. The pickles must overcome Mecha if they wish to return this once peaceful place to normal.

    MILLIONAIRE'S ESTATE. The pickles know that Mecha is stealing money from this place in order to fund his evil plans. In order to cut off his funding, they must free the mansion. However, it seems that the Blobs are here to stop that.

    SNOWDRIFT VALLEY. Somewhere on the other side of this cold valley is Mecha's Lair. He isn't going to let the pickles in so easy, though. They're going to have a rough time crossing the frozen iceland.

    MECHA'S LAIR. Mecha's up to something. Hidden in the deep jungles on the far side of Snowdrift Valley is Mecha's stronghold, and it seems he has a secret weapon in store for them, but what could it be...

    ???. Here's the final world the pickles must overcome. Here, the pickles will finally face off with Mecha, and some of the hardest levels in the entire game!


  • Think all your moves through before making them.
  • Keep an eye on your life count, and don't restart a level until your absolutely sure that you have to.
  • Listen to King Pickleton's advice. He'll give you useful tips for passing the game.
  • Remember that enemies can only move through empty squares - You're safe as long as you're standing on a portal.
  • Grab as many stars as you can to keep your life count up.
  • Many times, there is more than one way to complete a level.


    Need some help getting the game to run? Got some comments you'd like to share? Have some suggestions for improving this or other Michael Johnson Productions games? You can contact me at my e-mail address: lizy@ev1.net. If you are having trouble with the game, please send me a detailed description of the problem, along with the version number of the game.

    You can also check out the MJPro web site at: http://users.ev1.net/~parson/michael. There you'll find tons of information on The Pickles and other games. This is also where any patches that might be created will be stored for you.


    The PicklesTM
    ©2002 Michael Johnson Productions
    All rights reserved.