The LizVenture - Page 15
And thus, though by strange means, Lizy and his cohorts had arrived at the Mt. Lizard Castle. They had gathered a large equipped militia and were now ready to besiege the capital of the empire and save the King!

"Cruel, you tyrant!" yelled Speedy pounding hard on the gates to the castle, "You open up right now and come on out here or else we'll be forced to use force against your forces and force you on outta there!"

"That was... touching, Speedy..." commented Lizy, not quite sure what to make of it..

"Oops! Nobody's home! Better get going," said Bob as he began to run off.

But before he got even a stone's throw away...

...the gates flew open and Cruel appeared in the castle courtyard.

...Cruel appeared with an evil laugh upon the castle gates.