The LizVenture - Page 14
"What a ride!!!" commented the dizzy Lizy, as he stepped out of the house. Once he stabilized himself, he took the time to look around a little. "I don't think we're in Lizard Valley anymore, Toto... Wait a minute! Who's Toto? I must have hit harder than I thought."

Then he turned and looked under the house to see the Wicked Witch of the East's feet sticking out, and on them were the magic Ruby Galoshes!

About that time, a bunch of little mushrooms gathered round and began to sing: "Ding dong! The witch is dead!"

"I think I rented this movie once," thought Lizy aloud, but the mushrooms went on singing. "And I do wish that they would answer the door already!"

After he had heard just about enough of the song, he interrupted them, "Excuse, kind mushrooms, but I would like to know how to get home to Lizard Valley."

"You should ask the great Wizard of Zo!" said one.

"Where can I find him?" asked Lizy.

"Unless you want to wait a few weeks, you can't," replied another mushroom, "He's out on a house call right now. The not-so-great Wizard of Zo will have to do in the meantime."

"And how do I get to him?" asked Lizy.

"Follow the Yellow Brick Road!" answered a third mushroom.

"You're not going to... sing... are you?" asked Lizy.

"Of course not!" said a fourth, "After that last song, MGM called us threatening to sue."

"LIZY! LIZY!" interrupted a strangely familiar voice...